Discover the Benefits

KerfMaker helps guide woodworkers through both beginner and advanced projects.

manage board selection-01.png

Manage board selection

Tells you when you have enough boards for all your parts.

checklist km-01.png

Track your parts list

Ensures you have enough lumber. No more extra trips to the lumber company!

Auto fits parts into board-01.png

Automatically fits parts into board

Shows you how to cut your boards into parts.

Smart algorithm-01.png

Smart algorithm for part fitting

Respects part and board orientation, works in Imperial or metric units, accounts for kerf width.

Understands multiple materials-01.png

Understands multiple materials and lumber thickness

Real projects use a range of wood types and thickness.

Auto calculates cost-01.png

Automatically calculates project cost

Lets you know how much money you need to spend on your project.

Share projects and parts list-01.png

Share projects and parts lists

Import or export projects in a text format that can be sent by email or posted to web sites.


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