KerfMaker 1.2.4 Released

KerfMaker version 1.2.4 was released today on the App Store. This version includes some features for new users as well as a number of bug fixes.

New users are sometimes confused by the way KerfMaker handles kerf widths. KerfMaker always adds a kerf width to every edge of every part, which means that a part will not fit into a board if it has the same width or length. For example, a part that is 4” wide needs a board of minimum width 4 1/4” to fit (assuming default kerf width of 1/8”).

KerfMaker now looks to see if any parts that did not fit were the same width or length as any available board. If so, it pops up an alert explaining why the part failed to fit. The alert can be dismissed or permanently suppressed (though the user can reactivate it from the Boards tab menu).

In addition to the alert, there’s a new example called “Example Kerf Usage” that shows several parts in a board with 1” kerfs. The Board view should make it obvious how the kerfs are being used.

Two bugs were fixed that sometimes caused crashes:

  • when taking a photo for a project

  • sometimes when loading a board on app restart

Some other fixes include:

  • Remember selected project on app restart

  • Refresh part placement when kerf width is changed

  • Refresh project name display after editing

  • Fix table background that was incorrect in some cases

Please let me know how the app is working for you. I really appreciate your feedback!